How to Stop Paranoid Thoughts and Conquer Anxiety

Struggling with anxiety or paranoid thoughts? You're not alone. This article dives into the causes of anxiety and paranoia, offering practical strategies to challenge harmful thought patterns and manage symptoms. Learn the difference between anxiety and paranoia, discover effective coping techniques, and find out how to build a strong support system. Whether you're dealing with social anxiety, intrusive thoughts, or persistent worry, you'll find valuable insights to help you regain control and improve your well-being. Ready to take the first step towards conquering anxiety and paranoia? Click "Read More" to explore the full article and start your journey to better mental health today!
Preview of infographic on how to manage Covid-19 Anxiety

How to Manage Covid-19 Anxiety in 7 steps

Feeling anxious during this pandemic is normal. With this in mind, we’ve put together an infographic and a more detailed article to help anyone who is struggling with the issues surrounding

3 April / 2020
Dr Raffaello Antonino, Clinical Director at Therapy Central

Anxiety – A beauty and a beast

Welcome to our very first post! For our first blog we decided to to talk about one of the most common issues that people come to therapy for at Therapy Central:

12 September / 2019


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