Feeling like a failure can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to define your life. This article explores the root causes of persistent feelings of failure—often tied to childhood experiences and negative thought patterns—and their impact on mental health. We also bring five powerful strategies for overcoming these feelings: embracing your emotions, reframing your perspective, redefining failure, cultivating gratitude, and setting realistic goals. By adopting these techniques, you can start breaking the cycle of self-sabotage and regain confidence. Read on.

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Self-Esteem & Confidence

Transforming Your Mindset to Stop Feeling Not Good Enough

Do you tend to ask the question: “Why am I not good enough“?

Perhaps you sometimes engage in negative self-talk and beat yourself up about minor mistakes or failures.

Maybe you have an unhealthy habit of comparing yourself to others and feeling worthless as a result.

We all have insecurities that make us feel inadequate from time to time, whether it be physical appearance, performance at work, or being funny. However, the situation is different if you’re constantly feeling not good enough.

13 June / 2023

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